The Cycle to Work Scheme (also referred to as the 'bike to work' scheme) is a fantastic employee benefit and a great opportunity to save money on a new bicycle and cycling equipment where you save on income tax and national insurance contributions through salary sacrifice. Not only do those on the Cycle to Work Scheme save up to 42% off the retail price of a bike; you get to spread the cost over an agreed term - typically 12 months - rather than having to pay for the bike in full when you order it. Cycling is a great way to get more people to make healthier journeys, reduce their carbon footprint and improve their mental health.
Contents and Quick Links:
Ordering process - A quick guide to the ordering and application process for ordering a bicycle and/or equipment through the scheme.
Cycle to Work facilitators - A list of all the scheme providers vouchers that we accept at Edinburgh Bicycle Cooperative.
Frequently Asked Questions - A list of frequently asked questions and the answers to these.
- Who is the Scheme for?
- What Value of Bike can I choose?
- Is there a specific window to apply?
- What is the term?
- Who owns the bike?
- What can I get?
- Does the bike have to be used for cycling to work?
- Can I choose more than one bike?
- What’s the process to ordering?
- Where do the savings come from?
- Can I buy an electric bike on the scheme?
- What happens if the bike gets stolen?
- Can I have a bike delivered through the scheme?
- Why choose Edinburgh Bicycle Cooperative?
Our outlets - A breakdown of all the ways you can contact us, either online or in one of our 6 stores in Scotland and the North of England.
The first section is for employees looking to take advantage of the Cycle to work scheme with a breakdown of the general process to ordering a bicycle, accessories and clothing and how the scheme works. We follow this up with a 'frequently asked questions' section (don't worry, the question "how does cycle to work scheme work?" is one of them) followed up with a section for employers looking to set up a Cycle to Work scheme and the benefits to considering the Edinburgh Bicycle Cooperative Bike to Work scheme.
Overview: What's the process for ordering through the cycle to work scheme?
The process of arranging a bike on the Cycle to Work Scheme is actually remarkably simple despite the fact that it can seem quite complicated. We will go though this process here in a step-by-step manner but please bear in mind that some of the scheme providers might do it in a slightly different way but the overall process remains very close to what is listed below.
Step 1: Visit us in store
The first step is visiting us in store as we can firstly make sure that your employer either uses the Edinburgh Bicycle Coop Cycle to Work Scheme or uses a third party facilitator that we accept. Once we know you use a scheme we accept, we can start with choosing the new bike, accessories and/or cycling equipment you would like.
At this stage, we will happily talk you through the steps of the process of the particular scheme that your employer uses and what approximate timescales to expect.
Step 2: Reserve your bike and cycling equipment
Once you have chosen your bike and equipment, we will put this all aside for you and take a 10% holding deposit where we will keep everything aside for when you receive your Cycle to Work Voucher. The reasons we choose the bike and accessories first is because 1) we can suppply you an exact quote of the amount you need to appply for and 2) we then know that all the items are in stock and aside for you.
It is possible to order your Cycle to Work voucher before reserving a bike, however we have seen a lot of instances where a customer has a voucher for a particular bike and this bike is no longer available or has increased in price so we would always recommend visiting us first to avoid disappointment.
Note: You will be refunded your deposit when you present your Cycle to Work voucher while collecting your bike.
Step 3: Apply for your voucher
Once you have your quote for the exact amount, you can apply for your voucher. This can happen a number of different ways which are all relatively straightforward. Below are listed the main three appplicaion methods and an overview of how they work:-
Edinburgh Bicycle Cooperative Voucher Scheme - The pre contract documents will be automatically sent for employee and employer signature. Once signed, a PDF voucher is issued to be used to pay for the bike and accessories.
Edinburgh Bicycle Cooperative BACS Scheme - You simply take a BACS form to your employer who pay us directly for the bike and accessories and we then let you know it's all ready to collect.
Third Party Cycle to Work Facilitators - These facilitators include Cyclescheme, Cycle Solutions, Halfords (Cycle2work), Bike2work, Vivup, Green Commute Initiative and more.
For a third party scheme provider, you will usually apply through their website or company intranet site where, using your specific employer code, you follow the steps, putting in your details and the details of the bicycles, accessories and the bike shops you want to use the voucher in. Once done, your voucher will be emailed or sent to you to take into store to collect all your equipment.
Step 4: Receive your voucher
Once you have received your voucher or the bike has been paid for directly, you can come and use this to pay for your bike and cycling equipment and take everything away. At this point, we will refund your deposit.
Please Note: We have a lot of situations where people apply for their voucher before reserving a bike. The main reason this is not the best way to do this is down to bike availability as we have customers turning up with a voucher but by the time the voucher is issued, the bike is no longer available or has changed price. Please do reserve your bike and equipment first to avoid disappointment.
Step 5: Start paying for the cycling equipment
Your employer will automatically start deducting the monthly payments for the cycling equipment before tax and national insurance contributions. This will be deducted from your gross pay, where you will save money on tax and national insurance.
Cycle to Work Scheme Providers
Employers often set up their Cycle to Work scheme through a third-party “Facilitator” - this gives employees the option to visit any bike shop that is affiliated with them. Not every bike shop accepts vouchers from every facilitator though so either check with your work which retailers you can use or pop in to one of our stores or call our friendly online team and we can advise you! We at Edinburgh Bicycle Coop run our own scheme but also accept third-party vouchers from all of the largest providers of the Cycle to Work scheme. To find out which schemes we accept, please see out dedicated page or contact us in-store or online.
Here are the main scheme providers:
Cycle Solutions
Enjoy Benefits Ltd
Green Commute Initiative
Halfords (Cycle2Work)

Frequently Asked Questions
Due to the nature of Cycle to Work schemes and whenever delving into the world of tax savings and national insurance contributions, there can be a lot of questions that come up about the bike to work schemes. Questions about hire period, salary sacrifice, income tax, minimum wage and queries about an individual scheme provider will all come up so we will have a look at some of these now.
Who is the Cycle to Work Scheme For?
In order to be eligible for the Cycle to Work scheme, there are certain conditions that must be met. Such as:-
Be 16 years of age or over
Pay tax in the United Kingdom through the Pay As You Earn (PAYE) system
Still be on at least national minimum wage after any Cycle to Work deductions have been made from your paycheck
Self employed workers can still get a bicycle on the Cycle to Work scheme but this works a bit differently. Please contact us and we can talk you through the options.
What Value of Bike can I choose?
Previously, the Cycle to Work scheme limit was £1000. This cap has now been removed by the UK government, so employess can choose bikes that are over this amount - the only limit is set by the employee's salary, national minimum wage and any limit (if any) that the employer has in place. One thing to watch, though, is that new legislation by the UK government means the value of your voucher must cover the full value of the bike. It is not permitted to add any of your own money towards the purchase of the bike. For example, for a £2499 bike, you cannot use a £2000 voucher and add the £499 yourself.
Is there a specific window to apply?
Whether or not there are certain months or whether the scheme is open year round will depend on the individual employer - some will have year-round access to the Cycle to Work scheme but some will have specific windows throughout the year for you to apply. You can either check with your employer about this or we can assist in most cases.
What is the term?
As you will technically be leasing the bike from your employer, we refer to this as the hire period. This will be specific to your employer and the Cycle to Work facilitator used. Most terms are 12 months, but it can be 18. At the end of the initial period, you and your employer may opt for extended hire to obtain your full savings. This information would be specific to your employer and the third party scheme used so it would be your employer you would have to ask about this. For the Edinburgh Bicycle Cooperative Cycle to Work scheme, you can contact us and we can answer these questions.
Who owns the bike?
For the term of your hire, the bicycle is owned by your employer and is hired to the employee. At the end of the term, there will be a transfer of ownership from the employer to the employee. There is occasionally a fee associated with this but is at the discretion of the individual employer how much, if any, will apply.
What can I get?
The scheme is an excellent employee benefit, designed to get you cycling to and from work, therefore bikes, safety equipment, clothing and most accessories apply. There are some exceptions but you are allowed to get any accessories that are considered "safety equipment." While this does not include items such as food or books, it does include:
Helmets - a staple of cycling safety. We recommend every cycist wears a helmet and replaces their helmet every 3 to 5 years depending on usage.
Mudguards - a must have for British weather and keeping you and your bike clean(ish)
Bells and horns - Please be aware that all new bikes sold by us will come with a basic bell. But by all means, if you would like a louder, better quality bell, please check out our range.
Lights - keep you safer at night time but can be run during the day for making you extra visible.
Clothing - This includes any clothing such as jerseys, jackets, trousers and bib shorts/longs. Cycling shoes, hats and gloves are also included.
Mirrors - Really useful accessories particularly for electric bikes with an upright riding position.
Child Seats - for carrying your precious cargo
Cycle clips and dress guards - Cycling essentials for making cycling a little safer and more convenient.
Luggage - This can include pannier racks but also includes pannier bags, bikepacking bags, saddle bags and handlebar bags. Great for carrying work clothes and laptops.
Locks and chains for preventing theft and to ensure cycles can be safely secured
Pumps, puncture repair kits, cycle tool kits and tyre sealant to allow for minor repairs
Replacement parts to specifically improve the bicycles suitability for commuting, such as puncture-proof tyres or a different saddle.
Replacement parts to keep the bike roadworthy
Please note the above is not a comprehensive list of what safety equipment is available to choose. As always, you are welcome to contact us in store or online if you have any queries of what can be included in the cycle to work scheme.ut we will happily talk these through with you.
Main Exclusions from the Cycle to Work Scheme: Cycling computers, cycling cameras, cycle racks for cars, Turbo Trainers, Children's bikes.
Despite being able to purchase upgrades or replacement parts on the Cycle to Work scheme, please note that you are unable to use a Cycle to Work voucher towards repair work or towards fitting parts that were purchased on the scheme.
Government guidelines state that at least 50% of the bicycle's intended usage must be work-related. The pre-contract information provided with the hire agreement will clearly state this. The rest of the time, the employee can use the bike however they see fit whether that's for leisure cycling on a hybrid to mountain biking on a full suspension mountain bike.
You can take out 2 bicycles under the scheme, as long as both bicycles are for yourself and that for both bicycles, a minimum of 50% of their use is for work-related journeys. Bear in mind that when two bikes are purchased under the scheme, the value of the voucher has to cover the total value of both bikes as the 'no topping up' rule applies when purchasing two bikes also.
You are not required to order a bicycle on the Cycle to Work scheme and you are welcome to only purchase accessories, components and/or clothing. As long as all of the equipment is safety equipment or components to keep your bike roadworthy it is fine to order on the scheme.
How do I go about getting a bike on the Cycle to Work Scheme?
It is a very simple process to order and apply for your cycle to work voucher. Here are the typical steps involved in a Cycle to Work transaction.
Visit us in store or online to choose your bicycle and any accessories you may require.
Once this is done, we will reserve the bike and accessories for you and will take a 10% deposit to secure the goods.
We email you or print the transaction, so you know exactly what value to apply for.
When applying for your voucher, you either go to the facilitator’s website (e.g Cyclescheme) and apply or follow your employer’s intranet site or link to the site.
Once your voucher is issued, you bring this in to store to pay off the bike and we refund you your deposit.
If you have chosen delivery, we send your bike out once the voucher is received and will refund you your deposit minus the delivery charge.
Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions related to the above or if we can help you find the right bike for you.
Where Do The Savings Come From?
It can be quite a confusing thing to get your head around as the tax savings are not obvious to see. The reduced cost of your bicycle and/or equipment through salary sacrifice is due to the monthly payments being deducted from your gross salary, before you pay tax and national insurance contributions. That means that, for example, your monthly repayment is £100 then rather than this being taxed and you paying approx 21% tax and 11% national insurance contributions on this £100, it goes directly towards the bike. **these numbers vary by country and tax bracket but this is for illustrative purposes only**
Can I buy an Electric Bike on Cycle to Work scheme?
You can absolutely opt for an electric bike on the Cycle to Work scheme and in fact, they are becoming the most popular option for many people. Electric bikes are an excellent option for commuting or as a car replacement. Buying on the bike to work scheme mitigates having to pay as a lump sum and as well as saving tax, you also spread the costs.
For purchasing an electric bike on the Cycle to Work scheme, there is nothing you have to do differently just because it is an electric bike. For the purposes of a Cycle to work scheme, an electric bike is no different from a non-electric bike.
What happens if the bicycle gets stolen or damaged during the term of the Cycle to Work scheme?
Even though the bike is technically owned by your employer and you are leasing from them, you are responsible for the bike for the duration of the term of your lease. It is for this reason we highly recommend strong bike locks and specific bicycle insurance - you can always check if your bike is insured under your home insurance but please check the terms of where and when your bike is covered. Insurance will just ensure that you can get a replacement bike in the event of damage or theft. If your bike gets stolen or damaged and you do not replace it, you will still have to continue to make payments for the duration of the hire period.
Can I have a bicycle delivered on the Cycle to Work Scheme?
You can have a bicycle delivered on the bicycle to work scheme. This works a little differently as you would have to contact the online team to order your bicycle and cycling equipment who would then email you a list of the items and the total cost. Once the voucher is received, you would email this as well as photographic ID and address verification and we will organise a day for your bike to be delivered. Please note that we can only deliver to your home address for Cycle to work deliveries
We charge £30 for mainland UK delivery of a cycle to work scheme order with prices for Islands and other addresses available on request.
There are some exceptions for delivery bicycles such as Brompton Electric and limited edition Brompton bicycles and some others. These can be collected in one of our stores instead though.
Why choose Edinburgh Bike Coop for Cycle to Work?
Our own Cycle to Work Scheme
With our own Cycle to Work Scheme, there are many benefits such as the ability to cash in on special offers as well as a fast turnaround. You can always contact us to find out more and there are no hidden costs with our own Cycle to Work scheme.
Established 1977, we are one of the biggest independent bike shops in Northern Britain.
We are your local bike shop and we serve Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Newcastle and Leeds, with some of the largest selections and ranges of bikes, cycle clothing and cycling accessories in each of these cities. Having shops with great ranges enables us to offer a wide range of cycle equipment options for every rider from absolute beginner to enthusiast. We stock equipment and bicycles for mountain bikers, road cyclists, hybrid and commuters, gravel riders and more in both electric bikes and non-electric.
Our website shows an inventory of more than 3,000 bicycle, accessory and clothing lines to choose from.
In our experience, the best way to encourage people to use this employee benefit is to supply the most appropriate bicycle in the correct size. Our main aim is to get people on the most appropriate bike for their type of riding in the best and most comfortable size. (A £500 bike that fits is going to be safer and more pleasurable to ride than a £1,000 bicycle that's too big or too small).
Offering a world-class range of bicycles backed with expert advice is our best guarantee that every customer leaves the shop with the best bike for their requirements.
We are proud to be a workers' co-operative where every time-served employee has an equal share in the business' success and has a hand in key business decisions – more on this.
We will guide you through every stage of your Bike to Work Scheme's from the moment you come in to store to when you walk away happy with your bike and accessories. We also offer two free services, at 6 weeks and 12 months, after this to keep your bike working properly so our relationship doesn't end once you collect your bike.
We will issue and administer all the agreements on our own scheme - all the employer needs to do is make the adjustments to the employee's salary.
We will provide all support required at absolutely no extra cost to the employer.
We pride ourselves in being very easy to get hold of so you can rest assured that you will be able to contact us 7 days a week.
Third Party Cycle to Work Scheme
You can also choose Edinburgh Bicycle Cooperative for third party Cycle to Work schemes as we have years of experience with third party facilitators such as Cyclescheme, Halfords, Cycle Solutions, Cycleplus and many more. We are able to help you along every step of the way from choosing a bike to final redemption of your voucher when you collect your new bike.
What are the benefits of using Edinburgh Bicycle Coop for Employers?
There are a number of benefits to the employers setting up the Cycle to Work scheme directly with Edinburgh Bicycle Cooperative that we will look at in depth here.
We have the experience.
We have set up Cycle to Work Schemes in partnership with hundreds of organisations since 2004. Regardless of the number of employees – 3 or 3,000 - Edinburgh Bicycle Co-op can tailor a Cycle to Work Scheme to your needs.
Our in-store and online colleagues are confident of matching the right bike and equipment to the specific needs of the customer by chatting through intended use, budget and personal preference (to name but a few). There will always be a perfect match whether this is a road bike, gravel bike, hybrid or electric bike. We are always happy to help find the right bike for cycling beginners (there are no silly questions) or for cyclists wanting to upgrade to more performance oriented bicycles.
We are compliant
We have years of experience complying with the requirements of HM Treasury. We can supply all the legal & admin documentation you will require. In other words, Edinburgh Bicycle Co-op is skilled at helping workplaces cut through the red tape involved in setting up a Bike to Work Scheme.
You choose your staff's repayment period and your staff get to choose from a massive range of bikes and equipment, guided by our experts. We stock hybrid, road, mountain, gravel, electric bikes and cargo bikes so there will definitely be something to suit almost everyone.
We support you every step of the way
Edinburgh Bicycle Co-op can offer a complete marketing and support package to inform your staff of the benefits of the Bike to Work Scheme.
For the employee, we provide advice for choosing their bicycle and any accessories required. We will fit any accessories that are chosen along with a new bike, such as mudguards, so that the bike is ready to ride away when it comes to collection - we will not charge any extra fitting fee for accessories bought from us that are to go on a new bike.
When the employee comes to collect the bike, we take them through the bike and answer any questions they may have before they take the bike away. Aside from all of this this, we offer two free services at 6 weeks and 12 months to ensure the bike is running well and any teething issues are addressed and, going forward, we are always available to assist with any repairs or warranties to get you back on the road again as soon as possible.
We offer a great deal of choice.
Your employees will be able to select from up to 200 models of bikes from any Edinburgh Bicycle Co-op store. Whether they're looking for a dedicated commuter/leisure bike, or they would prefer a mountain bike, folding bike, an electric bike or a full-on competition road bike, we are confident that you won't find a better selection of appropriate bikes to cycle to work on.
YOUR STAFF CAN Make even more savings
Edinburgh Bicycle Co-op does not put any limitations on which adult bikes qualify for the cycle to work scheme (beyond the monetary limit set by the employer). For instance, if the employee chooses a bike that's on special offer, they will still get the full discount and the tax savings on top. Whereas, the full discount prices on bicycles on sale are not always available with third party cycle to work schemes due to the amount of commission that is charged to the retailer.
Our sales staff have years of experience advising new and returning cyclists on the most appropriate bike for their commute. All our sales staff are trained to ensure every Bike to Work application is completed correctly. We can therefore guarantee that every order will be processed smoothly.
Typically, the employee will be able to collect their new bike from Edinburgh Bicycle Co-op within 10 days of choosing it. (Compare with some cycle to work schemes where it's not unusual to be kept waiting for over a month). We will also help choose and then fit any accessories that go with the bike so the bike is ready to ride as soon as it leaves the store.
In the event that a bicycle is on back order, we will always give the customer an accurate estimate of the arrival time and if there are any changes to this, we will always contact the customer to advise.
Every time-served employee is an equal owner of Edinburgh Bicycle Co-op - a fact that sets us apart from many independent bike shops. It's in our DNA to treat every customer as an equal, with professionalism and respect. We trust that this co-operative culture helps make our shops more approachable to all cyclists whether a beginner looking for their first new bike to the seasoned enthusiast.
We particularly pride ourselves as being early adopters of electric bikes in the UK and have established ourselves as the electric bike experts. Battery size, motor power, torque, charge cycles... we can answer all questions related to e bikes.
We have plenty of outlets
We have good representation in Scotland and the North of England with six bricks and mortar stores as well as an online department, based just outside of Edinburgh. Please see if there is a branch near you or you could always contact the online team for mail order. Here are all the contact details for our stores so you can see if there is a shop near me for ordering or assistance.
Online Department
Our thriving online department can assist with mail-order cycle to work scheme or general enquiries and order. You can contact the online department on 0345 257 0808 or email: Our online department is open 7 days, from 10am until 5pm where our friendly staff will be happy to assist with your queries.
Aberdeen Store
Our Aberdeen branch is located on George Street in the city centre where they are open 7 days a week from 10am until 6pm every day. You can pop in to see the range of bicycles, accessories and clothing or for any questions about the Cycle to Work scheme or bicycles in general. You can also contact them on 0122 463 2994.
Edinburgh Bruntsfield Store
Our longest-established store enjoys, perhaps, the finest location of any bike shop in Britain. We occupy the ground floor of a listed Victorian building on Whitehouse Loan. The Bruntsfield, Edinburgh bike shop is skirted by The Meadows Cyclepath and it overlooks Bruntsfield Links – a much loved and well-used public park, famed for being the site of the world’s original short-hole golf course.
There are a large selection of new bikes to choose from, from all of the biggest and most reputable cycling brands and we have informed and friendly staff that can assist with Cycle to Work and any other queries you may have.
The Bruntsfield store is open 7 days - 9am to 6pm Monday to Fridays and 10am until 6pm Saturdays and Sundays.
Edinburgh Canonmills Store
Our Canonmills bike shop team on Rodney Street is known for its friendly, professional in-house cycle repair service centre along with a good selection of our core range of bicycles, electric bikes, clothing, components, and accessories, and expert advice.
Canonmills are a Gold Brompton Retailer so aside from being experts in all things cycling, they have obtained the highest level a Brompton dealer can reach.
The Canonmills store is open 7 days a week from 9:30am until 6pm from Monday to Friday and 10am until 6pm Saturdays and Sundays.
Giant Store Edinburgh
Our newest store is based in the heart of Stockbridge, Edinburgh and offers a huge range of Giant men's bikes and electric bikes as well as Liv women's bikes and electric bikes. There is a large selection of men's and women's clothing as well as cycling accessories and componentry.
Our Giant Store Edinburgh is open 7 days a week from 9am until 6pm monday to Friday and 10am until 6pm Saturday and Sunday. The friendly staff are also available on 0131 357 7548.
Newcastle Store
Located in Byker, our Newcastle shop occupies a landmark building at the top of Shields Road, just east of Newcastle city centre. The friendly Newcastle team love using their years of expertise to find your perfect bike.
Our Newcastle shop is open 7 days a week from 10am until 6pm every day. The friendly staff are also available on 0191 265 8619.
Leeds Store
Located in Chapel Allerton, our Leeds shop is one of the longest running bike shops in the city. The friendly and knowledgeable team have over 50 years of combined experience so any queries about Cycle to Work or cycling in general will be expertly handled.
Our Leeds branch is open seven days from 10am until 6pm every day, Monday to Sunday and you can contact them on 0113 268 7463
Cycle to work schemes are excellent employee benefits and a great way to save money by making national insurance and income tax savings through the salary sacrifice scheme on bicycles, cycling equipment and cycling clothing. Aside from being a cost effective way to buy cycling equipment, it can spread the cost meaning you do not have to make a large, lump sum payment.
Anything that gets more people cycling is excellent in our book and any replacement car journey is a massive win.
The first step is getting in touch with us for queries about the Cycle to work scheme and to choose a new bike and or cycling equipment. Our friendly and helpful staff will put you at ease and are happy to talk you through the process and help you choose the bike that is the best fit for your specific intended use.